” No one can make you feel inferior without your consent “
Counsellors are trained in helping others to work through the problems. They help people to determine the root cause of e.g. addiction or behavioral
issues and focus on healing. They can guide and direct people through a variety of situations and help them to focus on what really matters.
Every family has its share of problems and difficulties most of which have to be handled comprehensively to prevent a crisis. With every family unit using several methods to deal with such problems, family therapy and counseling is greatly recommended. Finding time to see a family therapist can help the family deal with much bigger problems and ensure every concern is handled and addressed properly. Outlined below are some of the situations when your family needs counselling, and how a family counsellor can enhance the family unit and overall well being.
Guidance and counselling are important for children and schools have a huge role in bringing out the best in children. Good conduct is coveted but
sometimes young minds need guidance to polish their personality. Through counselling, children are given advice on how to manage and deal with
emotional conflict and personal problems.
Couples learn quickly before, during and after the wedding ceremony that marriage isn’t as easy as they thought. It requires hard work and
commitment. After the blissful honeymoon-period, couples often realise that they are not as compatible as they previously thought. Or they encounter
problems which they never thought would be an issue. Or the couple is unable to nurture their relationship due to things such as jobs and children
consuming all their time. These difficulties are certainly not unusual and seeking the advice of a marriage counsellor may go a long way towards
strengthening and even saving the marital relationship.
This center under Winner Trust came into existence in the year 2015 April. Shalom Counseling is a mental and health counselling / education center
focusing on mental / health issues of individuals. This is mainly an organisation concentrating on providing assistance for the Christian community at large.